While the original Blue Oasis® provides sufficient humidity in many environments, it is not effective everywhere. The humidity demands of the desert, mountain states or frigid north exceed the humidification capacity of the OH-1. For this reason, we have developed the OH-5 Plus+ humidifier. The OH-5 Plus+ is the same size and shape as the original blue Oasis®, but is has a different liner which provides 50% more humidity output. Because the OH-5 Plus+ is the same size as the original Blue Oasis® and it has 50% greater humidity output, it will be necessary to refill the Oasis® OH-5 Plus+ more frequently than the original Blue Oasis®. Use the OH-5 when the environment outside the case has a relative humidity of 25% or less. Each OH-5 comes with a stabilizer bar for mounting the OH-5 humidifier and a 10 cc syringe for distilled water filling control.